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Oral history

‘A certain terror’: corporeality and religion in narratives of the 1947 India/Pakistan partition

Anindya Raychaudhuri
Oral History Forum d'historie Oral

Of the Uprooted & the Forgotten

Sumallya Mukhopadhyay
The Statesman

When Partition survivors visited home, across Radcliffe Line

Sumallya Mukhopadhyay

Two Unheard Partition Narratives That Underscore the Importance of Oral History Projects

Sumallya Mukhopadhyay
Live Wire

Who is a Refugee? Understanding the Figure of the Refugee against the Backdrop of the Bengal Partition (1947-1970)

Sumallya Mukhopadhyay
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities

Roots and Reflections: South Asians in the Pacific Northwest

Amy Bhatt
Nalini Iyer
Deepa Banerjee (Foreword, Introduction)
University of Washington Press

"India: a people partitioned" (BBC Radio Documentaries)

Andrew Whitehead

From Website: " In 1997, after four years as a BBC correspondent based in Delhi, I had the enviable opportunity of making a radio series for the BBC World Service to mark the fiftieth anniversary of India's and Pakistan's independence. India: a people partitioned sought to be a social history of Partition: not about the high politics of independence, nor about the British Raj and those who upheld it, but about the lived experience of the millions who were caught up in the Partition whirlwind.

A Mission in Kashmir

Andrew Whitehead
Penguin Group USA

British Voices from South Asia

Rosan Augusta Jordan and Frank de Caro

"The exhibition marks the acquisition by the T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History at LSU of a series of taped interviews -- conducted by Professors Frank de Caro and Rosan Augusta Jordan of the LSU English Department -- with British people who lived and worked in India before Independence in 1947. Collectively they provide a sort of "self-portrait" of a colonial subculture and accounts of how Europeans experienced a great Asian society under the peculiar conditions of their time. Quotations from the interviews have been included for each section of the exhibition.

Violence, Martyrdom, and Partition: A Daughter’s Testimony

Datta, Nonica
Oxford University Press
