The present research study, The Partition of India and Its Reflections in The newlineSelect English and Hindi novels: A Comparative Study, aims at studying in a newlinecomparative method, partition novels, written in two different languages i.e. English newlineand Hindi written by different authors. newlineThe partition of Indian sub-continent is a momentous event that had political, newlinesocial, cultural, religious, economic and human impacts on the people and the subcontinent.
The state of Punjab also labeled as the Gateway of India has been acknowledged by different names since ancient times. The term Punjab consists of two Persian words i.e. PANJ (five) and AAB (water). It means that the five rivers-the Sutlej, the Beas, the Ravi, the Chenab and the Jhelum- originating from the Himalayas which flow through the fertile land of Punjab. In Rigveda it has been described as Sapt-Sindhu i.e. the land of seven rivers, the Sutlej, the Beas, the Ravi, the Chenab, the Jhelum, the Sindhu and the Saraswati.