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Effects of Partition

Since 1947: Partition Narratives Among Punjabi Migrants of Delhi

Ravinder Kaur
Oxford University Press

Sensitive Space: Fragmented Territory at the India-Bangladesh Border

Jason Cons
University of Washington Press

A Thin Wall

April, 2015
Mara Ahmed

Muslim Zion: Pakistan as a Political Idea

Faisal Devji
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd

Aspects of India's International Relations, 1700 to 2000: South Asia and the World

Jayanta Kumar Ray
Pearson Education India

Partition and Aftermath- Memoirs of an Ambassador

Kewal Singh
Vikas Pub. House

Partition Voices

Andrew Whitehead

From Website: "Over the past twenty years, I have conducted scores of interviews with people with personal stories to tell of Partition - the botched division of British India in August 1947 to created two independent nations, India and Pakistan. It produced one of the great tragedies of a deeply tragic century - at least half-a-million dead, ten million or more migrants, and the rupture of a symbiotic culture, most notably in Punjab.

"India: a people partitioned" (BBC Radio Documentaries)

Andrew Whitehead

From Website: " In 1997, after four years as a BBC correspondent based in Delhi, I had the enviable opportunity of making a radio series for the BBC World Service to mark the fiftieth anniversary of India's and Pakistan's independence. India: a people partitioned sought to be a social history of Partition: not about the high politics of independence, nor about the British Raj and those who upheld it, but about the lived experience of the millions who were caught up in the Partition whirlwind.

Tales of Two Cities

Kuldip Nayar
Asif Noorani
Lotus Collection

Three Rivers of Tears

LiFi Publications Pvt Ltd
