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Looting in the NWFP and Punjab: Property and Violence in the Partition of 1947

Ilyas Chattha
South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies

According to Police Special Branch intelligence reports, amidst the chaos of Partition, over 60,000 ounces of gold were stolen from fleeing Hindus and Sikhs in 1947. Alongside political identity and religious organisation and territorialisation, desire for wealth or property was a key trigger for the continuation of the Partition violence. This article documents organised communal violence which erupted in the NWFP and Punjab during 1946–47 using largely underutilised police and intelligence reports from the period. The empirical focus of the article is two-fold.

Neelkantho Pakhir Khoje

Atin Bandyopadhyay
Karuna Prokashani

Hidden Facts Behind British India’s Freedom: A Scholarly Look into Allama Mashraqi and Quaid-I-Azam’s Political Conflict

Nasim Yousaf
AMZ Publications