Problem of displaced persons their rehabilitation and its socio economic impact a case study of Faridabad 1947 to 1967
"Partition of India was one of the most traumatic events of history. Millions were uprooted from their roots and migrated as a consequence. This partition was a result of the 'Divide and Rule' policy followed by the British and taken up by the Muslims fundamentalists. The division was not based on a clear - cut acceptance of geographical boundaries by India and Pakistan. When the final Radcliffe Award was announced, it failed to satisfy the aspirations of the people. As a consequence, people were pushed out oftheir homes and heaths and thereby causing the largest violent migrations in the history of the world. The first ten years of the newly independent Government were largely taken up to settle these refugees. The government needed to rehabilitate these migrants socially, culturally, economically and it also provided them with psychological support. Though some work bordering on rehabilitation has been focused upon, I have made an in-depth inquiry into all these aspects. In order to give an operational aspect to my study, I have also carried out a survey-based inquiry into the process ofrehabilitation. In my first chapter, I have striven to establish the prevailing uncertainties of prepartition days. I have followed it up with events leading upto the partition. I have discussed setting up of the boundary commission, its compulsions and handicaps. The second chapter deals with the mass exodus of humanity due to the partition. In the third chapter, the response of the Government to the Rural and Urban Rehabilitation has been dealt with. In the fourth chapter, I have made a case study of Faridabad where a number of migrants have settled. In the fifth chapter, I focused on the socio-economic impact on local people and their role in development of Haryana and Punjab has been dealt with. It may be pointed out that 1 have used the terms refugees, displaced persons, migrants and immigrants interchangeably for the unlucky millions who underwent the traumatic experience ofsettling in an alien environment in the wake of partition of 1947. To substantiate my work, I have made a study of governmental reports, census reports, journals, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, microfilms, micro - fiches, private papers, personal letters besides secondary sources such as books, papers on partition and rehabilitation by eminent historians and popular fiction by renowned writers. I sifted through thousand of pages of significant books and primary sources at Nehru Memorial Museum Library, New Delhi, National Archives, Punjab State Archives, Patiala, and of course various libraries of Punjab University, Chandigarh."