Partition of the Indian armed forces between India and Pakistan
Jawaharlal Nehru University
The partitioning of the Armed Forces was described by Lord Ismay as "the biggest
crime and the biggest headache". This was the inevitable consequence of the political
decision to partition the count1y. Although theTe has been immense litemture dealing
with various aspects of the partition of India, surprisingly, there has been no specific
attempt to study the division of the Armed Forces- an enormous task undertaken by the
British with the cooperation of the Indian and Pakistani authorities. This thesis hopes to
rectify this glaring omission. Chapter I traces the evolution of the British Indian Armed Forces and also the
changes in its organisational set-up. Chapter II examines the Indianisation of the Armed
Forces, the political compulsions which were responsible for it, and its impact on the
organisation of the Armed Forces. Chapter I I I examines the role of the three major actors
- the British, the Congress and Muslim League on the question of the future of the Indian
Armed Forces. Why were the British opposed to the division of the Armed Forces? Why
a policy of rapid partition of the Armed Forces which had at first been regarded as
unthinkable, was eventually adopted and applied in great haste? These and various other
issues have been examined in this chapter. The complex process of division of the Armed
Forces' personnel, units, stores, ordnance factories etc. have been discussed in chapters
IV and V. Chapter VI examines the role of the Punjab Boundary Forces which had been
created to maintain peace in the disturbed areas of the Punjab. The concluding chapter
takes an integrated view of all the issues discussed in the preceding chapters.