Poems on partition
While the two poems of Jibanananda Das, arguably the greatest Bengali poet after Tagore (he came from Barisal in East Bengal after Partition), recreate the beauty, harmony and peace of undivided Bengal replete with the blessings of nature and myths and legends, the two poems of Taslima Nasreen which follow recreate the agony and unreason of Partition in a diction that is harsh yet nostalgic. The two poems of Jibanananda Das are a part of his incomparable cycle of lyrics entitled Rupashi Bangla. During the Liberation War of Bangladesh, Bengali fighters kept Rupashi Bangla in their camps and read the poems as a source of inspiration. These four poems capture the complete psyche of the Bengali people – from idyllic harmony to cruel separation and then from divided nationhood to a thirst for reunion.
Link - bit.ly/3FDE7yR