"History is a Woman’s Body: A Study of Some Partition Narratives "
Odisha Review
The tragic case of Nirbhaya in December 2012in Delhi, which ultimately led to her death, has aroused a fury across all sectors of society in India, and not just amongst women. Amongst that anger and frustration at the rising violence against women, many religious leaders suggest that women should go back to ‘tradition.’ The exhortation to go back to tradition forces a woman like me to ponder over the following questions: “Can adherence to ‘tradition’ help to curb the cases of violence against woman?”“What is the place and position of women in(Indian) tradition itself?” I would not seek to find the answers in the mythical tradition of the long past. Rather the experience of partition in a comparatively recent past speaks eloquently of the status of women in Indian society and the nationalist tradition.
Link - //bit.ly/3EciLaR