The enigma of partition towards a literary understanding
Jadavpur University
"Partition of India was accompanied by communal holocaust and massexodus. The experiences of victims six decades ago have filtered down
through generations and still reverberate in the collective consciousness
of sub-continental populations. Partition still serves as a defining moment
when India’s social fabric, richly woven by shared cultural heterodox
patterns was violently ripped apart by communal conflict. The history of
communal violence in the post-Partition period is a grim reminder of the
raw communal feelings that still simmer beneath the surface of the postindpendence national identities. The issues generated through India’s
Partition are still alive. Whenever communal tensions mount, the
memories of Partition tend to re-surface and are invoked by both the
communal and secular forces. It is incumbent, therefore, to examine and
re-examine the event of Partition, an episode which continues to shape
the present."
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